C-Kit Simplified Instructions
462802C Kit - Express Instructions
This instruction sheet is a supplement to the main installation instructions provided in the kit, and not meant to replace or contradict the more detailed steps. Some more experienced installers prefer a simple guide.
- Disconnect Negative battery cable on car battery and move to the side.
- Mark wires on existing alternator as ST, FLD, B+ and Ground (if there is a ground)
- Disconnect fender mounted external regulator plug
- Remove fender mounted external regulator box
- Install new PA Performance fender mounted external regulator box
- Reconnect plug
- Replace alternator per alternator instructions
- Connect the 3-Pin alternator plug provided in the kit to alternator
- Connect Yellow wire to B+ Post
- Connect White/Black wire to Stator tap on alternator.
- Tape the original ST wire as it is not used but may have power
- Connect FLD wire to new Green/Red wire in kit
- Connect B+ wire to alternator
- Connect Ground (if there is one)
- Connect Negative battery terminal to battery.
You will have power at the green/red wire with the ignition key in the run position, no power on this wire with the ignition key off.